Ten Years

Last week, with very little fanfare and, sadly, not a single parade, the Drew Duality turned ten. I am not one of the bloggers who keeps track of how many people have viewed it or even how many posts I (and jack and thumper) have written either, but there are a lot and when I look back I am proud of most of those. I should warn you that this will likely be a reflective post all the way through as I look back, but the blog all started when I met Thumper, fucked Thumper, and then wrote about it. 

However, before I do that, I have to talk about my husband, Axel, the very, very silent partner in all of this because, without him, his support, and his encouragement not a single thing about the last ten years would have transpired in the way it did. For over 25 years, Dr. Ax has been and is my rock, my soulmate, and the love of my life. By design and by his request, we don’t write much about him, but I never want to fail to show I am aware of what he has given me. Also, there’s jack, the amazing jack, but we will close with that part of this story.

So, back to Thumper and how this started. I had admired his blog for years, so I felt like a kid high on candy when he asked me to write something and then recommended that I start a blog. It was something I didn’t really have to think about because he was all in his subby space having seen a real penis (you know, since even at that point Belle’s penis attached to him had not counted as a real one for multiple years prior) and he just set everything up. In hindsight I wish we had been a bit more exotic with my name and I wish he had set up my email in the same dualdrew (vs drewdual) way, but he did me a favor that I am not sure even he recognizes as the life changing event that had just happened.

For me, once I started this, I felt free. I felt encouraged. I felt engaged. And, most importantly, I felt understood. My life has been immensely better because of that first fuck and the friendship that developed (and is still in place) and, for that, Thumper, I thank you and your lack of manhood so much. It’s been a pleasure to watch your acceptance of yourself and your proper place through the years and every time I see my nickname for you pop up in my text messages I know you found your true place and, fwiw, I very much still enjoy putting you in it when possible.

The blog has opened so many doors I didn’t even know existed when it started. I was lucky in that as this was all starting my career was also exploding and I got to travel the actual world while in the prime of the exploration and understanding parts of this. Through this, I met some people who have become amazing acquaintances, a group of closer friends who I cannot wait to see again, a few more who will always be in my life in some form or fashion, and the following ones who I gave blog nicknames to who are now and will forever be in my list of top people ever. For those who specialize in blog trivia, you might remember their names as Mack, Jeep, Porsche, and one who I never named but will now just call Maryland (he will know). Fuck, I even got an Australian girlfriend from this – which reminds me I should text – never let an Australian Domme girlfriend wait, friends, never!

You might notice that this list did not include Mr. And Mrs. Steelwerks. That was on purpose because they simply cannot be in a list with anyone else. I know that most people only see their shiny metal professional side, but, folks, I will go to my grave with these two by my side because they mean so much to me and my family. They have done much for me kink wise but even more so personally that just makes me smile each and every time I think about them. So, here’s you to you two – the absolute best friends.

I laugh looking back about the fact that at various times I used to actually blog about my parents while writing about fucking and chastity. I know they that is not a typical talk in these things, but my Mother’s open mindedness revealed during the first few years of her Alzheimer’s makes me so fucking happy. I never once expected to hear the phrase “ethical non monogamy” from a retired English professor in her 70’s, but it was refreshing though a tad creepy at the time. I still also believed she knew about Thumper and what we did, though I still have no idea how. Then to my Dad, the fact that the man walked around in a borrowed, from me, Nasty Pig hat for the last few years just makes me laugh every single time I think about it. It was a pleasure to be able to include them in this part of my life however slight it was and I miss those days immensely. As many know, they died (almost) together during COVID (but not from COVID) and being able to express grief through words on here, while not even directly grief related, was pretty fucking awesome.

And, then the best part about my entire kinky self happened….I met Jack who, to this day, I think my Mom sent to make sure I was happy.

Jack, aka boy, slave, pet, object, best friend, boyfriend, nurse, fireman, whatever is the only man since Axel who can make me melt at first sight each and every time I see him. Our relationship has been chronicled here since day one, so I don’t really have to say a ton about the mechanics of it, but I will share that it’s been a pleasure being able to share the side of a Master and slave that I don’t think many who only see these relationships through porn ever would get to see (note: not all are like us). Add to that, the complexities of adding a slave to an existing, mostly muggle, relationship is/was fraught with peril around every turn. I hope we have been able to show that it can be done but that it’s not as simple as just saying “here is the code to get in the driveway gate and door lock, make sure you are collared and in uniform when you step inside” but that it takes work and we both continue to plan to update the blog as this progresses because that work, as I learned with Dr. Ax, is never ending.

As for how the blog helped me find Jack, it didn’t actually (thanks Recon) but it did validate me to him by serving as a, at that point, seven year reference about who he was giving himself to and more.

For the next ten years, we plan to continue to tell our story and I promise it will be both the good and the bad. Life gets in the way and posting is not as often as it used to be, but we are now abiding by the rule that you have to “feel” the post you want to write versus just writing to write. I don’t think we do ourselves any favors when a post feels like it was forced.

Finally, for those of you who have stuck with me for 10 years – THANK YOU. I really, really appreciate it so much. The change in hosting has not allowed a way to subscribe to the blog but hopefully Twitter and BlueSky will keep most informed.


Drew, Ax, and jack

6 thoughts on “Ten Years

  1. This is such an impressive milestone!

    It’s been a joy to read about your life, your evolution, your loves. And it’s a privilege to be your Australian girlfriend :).

    Thank you for sharing it over these last ten years <3.


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