Man and dirty appliance slave – the registry

jack and I are back from the summer hiatus with the blog, so hopefully we will have some new content at least every week – if not more. It was a good summer, as summers go, and we had a lot of fun, fucks, laughs, bonding, and just time, which was nice. Unfortunately, or maybe fortunately since it is how I get paid, my work travel is almost back to pre-pandemic levels – though in time, not distance – so it’s been an adjustment to balance the guilt of being gone versus the need to be gone. Axel and I got really good at that, and still are, but, as my grandmother always said, “when one acquires a sexual slave and builds a thruple during a global pandemic, one has to be prepared to deal with a few adjustments” and, man, she was right. Though they are all still worth every bit.

It seems that over the last few months I have had more and more comments about “how do you love a slave?” or “is jack really your slave since you love him?” These have combined with the typical “how do I find my….?” so I decided to talk about both as one.

All that said, jack and I celebrated the third anniversary of his collaring this week just two weeks after Axel and I celebrated our 25th anniversary, so I have spent a lot of time over the past few weeks thinking backwards and smiling as, to me, who is still 37 in my head, neither of those things ever seemed possible. I cannot tell you how happy these two men make me and, at times, I feel guilty knowing that some men search for ages for the love that I have found and it simply never materializes for whatever reason that may be. I get asked a lot how someone can find a slave, a Master, or an accepting husband and I simply cannot answer because I don’t know. It’s hard to quantify how it happened, how I found these two, and what the secret was or is that has made it just work. If I did know it, I’d write the best book ever and be rich, but that’s not in the cards. This lack of knowledge fucking drives me nuts at times because it’s the opposite of my reverse planning that I have built most of my life around.

What I mean by that is that, as I have gotten older, I have realized that I have built most of the life I have based on who I did not want to be versus who I did want to be. I know that doesn’t make sense to many, but what I mean by that is I set my life goals to based on a negative feeling. As an example, in my career, 25 years ago or so I was an entry level employee and a big senior VP type came in and belittled and bullied the new kids, like me. I remember thinking something along the lines of “in X years I am going to have your job and not only am I going to do it better than you, I am going to be a better human than you while doing it and I am going to make more money than you while going higher than you” and, later that day, I made a plan and, you know what, twenty five years later I have done all those things. Sadly, the woman I based that on is dead so I can’t go point this out to her, but since she didn’t know my name then, I doubt it would make much difference now. And, for the record, I also vowed to live longer than her. Thankfully.

I can point at so many other things like this in life that were created by a “I’m not going to be like you” philosophy including why I over tip, immediately get out of the left lane after I pass, don’t wear white underwear, and will never buy generic/store brand ketchup ever in my life. See, I can point to all these things, but I am a bit bewildered because I never had a super villain in the love and kink world so there was nobody to be better than in love, sex and kink, but it fucking happened anyway – this is funny because, if you don’t know by now, I LIKE A FUCKING PLAN.

But, I digress from the main point of this because all of this, and I swear there was a point to it, came to mind because I saw a long thread on Twitter (I will continue a new vow to never say X until post death – either mine or Elon’s) about “is it possible to love a slave?” This just baffled me because my immediate response was to write a sternly written response about how it’s not only possible but how much better it is because of whatever, whatever, whatever, whatever. But, I started looking back and realized that this was asked by the type of Master that I am not who, whether he actually believes it or not, bases his power on the fact that he thinks slaves are weak, are less than human, or have something fundamentally wrong with their brain that makes them submissive. I get that most of that is likely just his kink, and likely his slave’s too, but if I were him, I think it might be hard to take the one you have literally called and think of as dirt home to meet your Mom before proposing marriage – I mean, maybe not, but when you physically refer to someone as nothing more than an appliance without any need for emotion, when you do fall in love with that appliance, it might be weird, maybe. Again, I am trying to justify something that has nothing to do with me so it’s not my business and am not judging but I can curious where “man and dirty appliance” might register and can’t really fathom what the dual gifts would be.

So, yes, yes, I 100% believe you can love your slave which works out well for me because I 100% do love mine. As you know, I also don’t think of mine as a nothing. Yes, he is lower in our family org chart by design, not by value. And, yes, there are time I may treat him as an object, but that is the play aspect of the BDSM and, even if I want him hurt him, make him be a pet, or whatever it is, the man who has been man enough to give himself 100% to me, is still there and still very much enjoying those points of play. I will always hurt him, but will never harm him.

I will continue to watch these things because it’s actually fascinating. And, to the Master who is worried about loving his slave, just remember, there are no societal rules governing how to feel, so if you love dirt, embrace it and treasure it.

One thought on “Man and dirty appliance slave – the registry

  1. I had a slave (female) for almost a decade. I loved her and let her know that I did. I wrestled with that concept, as did she. The reality for me was that she defined herself as a slave. It was how she needed to see herself. The fact that she gave herself to me in this role didn’t require me to turn her into an object or appliance. It also didn’t require me to become some fantasy master. It took me quite a while to accept this.

    She was mine and did as I wished. I loved her, and she loved me. She obeyed me and made it clear that was how she wanted to live. It was an essential part of her self-image. That didn’t mean I had to change the way I felt about her. Ownership doesn’t require assuming some sort of objectifying role.

    I remember one woman who was leading a workshop on D/S. A guy said he wanted to be her slave. She said, “OK, go wash my car, go shopping for me, clean my house,and then stay out of sight.” Her point was that the term “slave” in the context you and I are talking about isn’t the sort of utilitarian ownership so cruely practiced in the past. It’s a consensual contract of obedience. Love is absolutely possible. Sometimes it’s too easy to get caught up in the roles that you can forget the reality.

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